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  • May 12 2023 - 15:49
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Innotex/Universities need to establish a foundation to educate the entrepreneurial generation.

The Vice-President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy considered the gathering of innovators and entrepreneurs as Innotex's great advantage and stated: "We strongly believe that alongside investment events, we should participate, and the first session of Finotex started this year alongside Innotex. If the media helps us to convey the voice of Iranian researchers' capabilities to investors, we will witness greater enthusiasm for investor participation in Finotex next year."

During his visit to the 12th Innotex Exhibition in 2033, Ruhollah Dehghani said that every innovative movement has its limitations and criticisms. He believed that Innotex, as an innovative event of Iran in 2023, is a unique event. One of the most significant features of this event is that active people in the field of innovation and technology will meet each other, even if there is no investment or sale.

He continued: "The fact that about 400 capable companies come together gives the feeling that life is happening in the field of innovation in the country, which creates motivation." Dehghani emphasized the need for universities to transform and stated that they must move away from the second-generation mindset. Universities should not be limited to research-based institutions. They need to understand that if they do not change, their interest in new fields will decrease.

Dehghani described artificial intelligence as an industrial activity of university education and said that until now, industries have been leading in emerging fields, but professors are slow in the field of artificial intelligence.

He said: "I push Vice Presidency of Sciences' policies towards supporting only nascent knowledge-based companies because the government does not have the capacity to employ, and universities need to train entrepreneurial students." Dehghani continued, "Universities must train a generation that can create their own business. I hope that with the measures implemented in universities and our plans, a significant part of Innotex next year will be allocated to universities."

Regarding the media's role, the Vice President of Science addressed the media and said, "My other request from the media is to sensitize the public to the country's issues. You are the ones who make people aware, focus on universities, and produce special reports so that universities, especially older university administrators, can lead forward and university management can be entrusted to younger people."

He also stated that there are young professors in universities who are often engaged in topics such as article production, and if they are given the space and opportunity, universities will transform.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 91041

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